This is a perfect opportunity for someone to come in and take the reigns as the camp is already totally set up with all marketing and strong presence in the market place. All machinery and equipment website and database is included in the sale. And all staff.
There are 6 proper guest bungalows, one of which the manager resides in and the other is my personal bungalow. If you were to use all 6 bungalows for guests the resort could house 18 people. Pricing is at approximately $240 AUD ($180) pppn during the high season and are full from April to end October every year. A few small low gaps here and there but the high season is pretty much full. Then the low season still gets solid bookings. There is room for an increase in pricing.
There is the restaurant and kitchen which is fully set up. Everything is totally set up. We are full right now with all staff and managers in place. Games room, treehouse, bbq deck, 2 x garages, 1 x 9m speed boat with 2 x 100hp motors in perfect condition. 2 x motorbikes. 1 x isuzu van that seats 14 people. 1 x innova toyota van seats 7 people. All other ground machinery such as generators, water pumps, fire hydrants etc etc.
Land area is 18,000sqm approx. This is including the 5700sqm land which only the owners private bungalow is situated on.
There is scope to build another 4 to 6 bungalows depending on size. Possibly a pool. There is a heap of room for extras.
Also included in the sale is the website, all agents and contacts and the database of approx 25,000. This is including the FB page and IG account.
This company is a huge name in the surf industry and Aura is one of the best resorts in Sumatra let alone Indonesia.
They have many solid bookings for 2017.The camp has done 11 professional shoots and more than 60 pros through the doors. We have had close to 2000 guests through the doors and amazing reviews etc.